
How Many Nato Military Police?

how many nato military police?

NATO Training Mission Afghanistan : NTM-A.com

By LTC Mira Mew Regional Support Command-South West  

An instructor supervises a live fire weapons exercise with students from the LashKar Gar Training Centre.

At 0600hrs on a cold January morning the preparations get under way for the latest graduation of patrolmen from LashKar Gah Training Centre. 

Although it is a day filled with hope and promise as another 182 Patrolmen put on their crisp new uniforms to take their place in the growing ranks of the ANP, it cannot be forgotten there is still a security operation to ensure the safety of the newly qualified ANP officers and the honored guests that will attend.

1st Battalion Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment (1 PWRR) are the current custodians of LKG TC.  This is the second graduation 1 PWRR have overseen since their arrival in the beginning of October. 

LKG TC is not just made up of the Infantry soldiers of 1 PWRR. Royal Artillery, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Small Arms School Corps, Royal Engineers, Light Infantry from The RIFLES, Royal Signals, Royal Military Police and support from the Adjutant Generals Corps all have a role. 

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Not only is there a good mixture of capbadges from the British Army.  The Officer Commanding, Major Rich Bredin MBE and his Company Sergeant Major, Warrant Officer Class 2Danny Daniels also have under their command United States Army and Military Police  and US Navy Corpsmen who delivers one of the specialist courses here, the Trauma Assistance Patrolman (TAP) medic.  There are also 4 Danish Civilian Police officers and a contingent of eight British Ministry of Defence (MoD) Police who along with the RMP and US MP deliver the specialist policing skills the ANP will require.    

The LKG TC currently teaches an 8 week Patrolman course and a 14 week NCO course.  Both of these courses have a focus on literacy at the beginning to prepare the students for the subjects that are covered during their time at the LKG TC.  This literacy training has been very well received by students and staff alike and there are plans to extend this training to police officers in the area to improve literacy levels of the ANP throughout Helmand Province. 

Patrolmen from LashKar Gar Training Centre stand at attention during a graduation ceremony.

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Life saving skills such accurate shooting, patrolling and anti ambush drills are taught to patrolmen or enhanced for the NCO's using the infantry knowledge of the British soldiers who man LKG TC.  Drill, Afghan specific law and leadership for the NCO's is delivered by the some Ministry of Interior instructors with more billets authorized by the Tashkil for the future.

 Although the explanation above seems like three different organizations, the place has a very multi colored feel to it.  Often the Military and Civilian Police instructors will team up to deliver lessons or the MOI will be mentored by the soldiers when they are teaching.  These efforts often come together on the ranges as a multitude of the different colors working to one common goal; preparing the ANP students to face what is often a dangerous job in Helmand with only the knowledge and skills they have learned at LKG TC to keep them alive. 

As the cold early morning gives way to the sun, all 508 students arrive on the parade square to participate in the current graduation.  Colonel Jalaluldin, the ANP commander of LKG TC, casts a critical eye over his first Graduation parade as the Commander here and is happy with what he sees.  Honored guests including the 707 Zone Commander and Governer Mangal arrive and are invited to review the parade. 

Speeches are made and blessings from the Holy Quaran are read.  Then it is time for the students to see which of them will receive a pass with distinction certificate.  12 pass with distinction certificates were awarded to those students deemed by all the instructors of their course to have studied diligently in all subjects and performed all tests with skill.  These students were called to the front to receive their certificates from the honored guest in front of their peers, ISAF, television cameras and the ever watchful eye of Colonel Jalaluldin. 

With the parade over the students managed a quick lunch before the process of issuing their identification cards, certificates for those that never received them on the parade and moving them onto their next place of duty.  All this coupled with the other administrative actions, such as returning equipment and stores that belong to LKG TC and packing their kit, means it was a long day for staff and students alike. 

The atmosphere during this time is one of relief that they have graduated the course, sadness of the friends they have made who will not be accompanying them to their next place of duty and excitement but also a bit of trepidation for what the future holds for them.

Patrolmen graduating from LashKar Gar Training Centre hold up their certificates to the audience.

Some of the graduating patrolmen may soon return to LKG TC if they are identified as having the potential to be an NCO.  The last 3 months of Operation HERRICK 15 for 1 PWRR at LKG TC will see some 490 NCO's starting training, although the graduation of them will fall to the Welsh Guards, who arrive in April.

The LKG TC, having graduated 182 students, does not rest.  There are still 316 Patrolmen and NCO's in training.   All this amongst a backdrop of some major infrastructure works, including the National Collection Point and the student population set to rise to 1100 has seen the humble beginnings of the LKG TC flourish from the Helmand Police Training Centre (HPTC) which was established in November 2009 to an enduring site which 1 PWRR have had a small hand in to ensure the success of ANP training post 2014.

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182 Patrolmen Graduate from Lashkar Gah Training Centre, 9.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

Tags: Afghan National Police, Afghan National Security Force, afghanistan, ANP, education, Feature, featured, independence, LashKar Gar Training Centre, nato, nato training mission, NATO Training Mission Afghanistan, NTM-A, police, training

Category: News - Afghan National Police

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